Monday, February 21, 2011

Tool - Sober

For this weeks music video, I have chosen Sober by Tool.

Humanoid twitching
The song, released in 1991, is very dark and creepy just like the music video.  It begins with a shutter effect which leads into the way the rest of the video will be filmed: in stop-motion animation.  The only time we actually see the band members is when the camera focuses on their instrument, otherwise we are accompanied by a humanoid.

We are introduced to a humanoid at the beginning of the video, where we follow his journey through the contents of his box (which remain a mystery).  After opening the box, events turn for the worst as we watch the main character suffer through whatever he may have unleashed.

Humanoid opening box
At the end of the video, we are left with an empty box.  It seems that this is a good way to encourage and allow the viewer to interpret their own meaning for the video.  To me, the empty box represents exactly what the title suggests: being sober.  It seems that when the box is full, it represents him as being full of the vices he uses in his life.  When it is empty, it represents what he feels when he's sober.

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