Monday, January 31, 2011

Kanye West - Welcome to Heartbreak ft. Kid Cudi

This week I chose a more recent music video, "Welcome to Heartbreak", which was released in 2009 by Kanye West:

Kanye West
The song, featuring Kid Cudi, seems to reflect what is depicted in the music video.  By this I mean the song has a techno vibe to it and so does the video itself.  The images in the music video beat in rhythm and pulse along with the beat of the song and objects also move in this same sense.

Kid Cudi
Both Kanye and Cudi are featured in the video, but they seem to be part of the techno world which has been created by the song.  They both appear to be nothing more than images as the song progresses, the beats become more resonant, and the mood seems to swing into a more intense scene.  The colors also reflect this alternate world that seems to have been created by West.  They are vibrant, flashing, and pulsating, capturing the attention of viewers with every kaleidoscopic change.

Kanye West
Overall, I think this video accomplished what it was intended to do exactly, and that is to create an alternate musical world where everything is connected through the pulsation of beats and colors that vibrate with sound.

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