Monday, March 21, 2011

Kid Cudi - Day N' Nite

My first music video choice of the week is "Day N' Nite" by Kid Cudi.

Fantasy vs. reality
The video closely follows the lyrics as it weaves itself into a story.  Kid Cudi relays messages of trying to find a way to get away from it all, away from the reality of life.  In the video, the audience is shown an alternate world as created by the music.  The scenes change from regular camera footage to animated and warped images; yet they are all under the control of Kid Cudi and therefore, the music itself.

Kid Cudi
As the video progresses, it seems that Kid Cudi is having a hard time telling the difference between this alternate world and reality.  Images from both worlds begin appearing without a necessary rhyme or reason, further emphasizing the lyrics Cudi is trying to get across.  Animations become both a part of people as well as props or background.

The camera angles remain relatively level and still throughout the filming, making the footage much easier to follow and watch, especially with the mass of changing colors and images already present.  Neither the song or the video are too intense; rather they are relaxed and could be considered odd or strange at times.

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